Hi Awesome Mama,

Motherhood is an incredibly unique journey, beginning with pregnancy, and every woman's experience is distinctly her own. Just as each pregnancy and delivery unfolds uniquely, it shapes a deeply personal recovery experience that varies greatly from woman to woman, from pregnancy to pregnancy.

However, despite the individuality of each mother's path, there are universal aspects that bind us all. Finding support in one another, fostering a sense of community, and learning from each other's shared experiences play an instrumental role in nurturing our confidence as mothers, empowering us as individuals, and aiding in the process of redefining ourselves as women.

Reflecting on my childbirth experiences, I value their uniqueness and the profound lessons they've taught me, shaping not only my role as a mother but also my identity as a woman.

With my first child, excitement mingled with anxiety as I navigated uncharted waters. The pressure to maintain my pre-pregnancy lifestyle, despite growing exhaustion and physical changes, weighed heavily on me. Embracing pregnancy-related weight gain proved challenging as my body transformed seemingly overnight. After giving birth, I felt an urgent need to regain my pre-pregnancy self, pushing myself into intense workouts to expedite recovery. However, it took over a year and my second pregnancy to realize that, despite external appearances, my body, especially my core, was internally strained.

Years later, during my third pregnancy, I mistakenly expected a similar experience. The 11-year gap between my daughters and my son introduced unforeseen challenges. Despite a healthy pregnancy and my dedication to staying active, the physical toll became evident. Nurturing both my growing baby and myself demanded significant effort. Following the pregnancy, I had to work harder to regain vitality.

Two years after my third child, the arrival of my twins via C-section (my first!) marked a humbling experience. Pregnancy in my 40s and carrying multiples brought new concerns. While I maintained an active lifestyle, the strain on my body was undeniable. Post-surgery recovery diverged from previous births, offering no quick return to normalcy. Juggling postpartum challenges while caring for five kids required patience, self-acceptance, and dedication to both my children and myself.

Motherhood is undeniably beautiful, yet it's not always a walk in the park. Navigating the intricacies of balancing various roles, priorities, and responsibilities can often prove frustrating and overwhelming. The journey can be exhausting, leaving little room to focus on your own needs and well-being. That's why Wonder Nat and I are super passionate about our Prenatal & Postnatal Lifestyle Tools for Awesome mamas.

Drawing from our personal experiences, we offer an empowering, accessible approach. Getting back on track is about healing from within—physically, spiritually, and mentally. And we're here to provide genuine support in navigating recovery, reducing overwhelm, and making informed choices for your well-being.

I'm thrilled for the opportunity to provide guidance and support to both new and experienced mothers.

Postnatal Yoga & Fitness On-Demand: Anytime, Anywhere!

I know life, in general, gets incredibly hectic, and with the addition of a new child, life can become even more unpredictable and making time for yourself can be trickier to navigate. That's why we've developed our Amazing Prenatal Yoga & Fitness program on the Make Me Awesome app. Enjoy the advantages of our carefully designed postnatal workouts and yoga sessions from the comfort of your home, at a time that suits your schedule perfectly. Download the app now to access your FREE 7-day trial of the Awesome Lifestyle or Awesome Movement!



Personal Training & Private Sessions: Customized to You & Life With Your Little One

Experience personalized postnatal support to help you feel confident and comfortable in your "new" body. Our MMA Personal Training & Private Sessions provide one-on-one guidance, personalized workouts, yoga instruction, and essential motivation to align your fitness journey with your specific needs.

Lifestyle Coaching: Baby Steps to Huge Strides with Your Baby

Our Lifestyle Coaching is your partner in making positive, sustaining changes that Awesome-Up both you and your baby. During this postnatal period, I'll provide guidance in managing stress, improving nutrition, optimizing your time, and setting achievable goals, all aimed at empowering you to embrace your role as a radiant mama and live your most fulfilling life. Sign up today for your free consultation:


Much love & aloha,


*Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any exercise or lifestyle program during pregnancy. Ensure you have medical clearance to engage in physical activity.

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