We live by three core values: courage, compassion, and humor. Why? Because life's too short to be serious all the time! Wellness isn't just about pumping iron and eating salads all day - it's about finding your groove and bringing the awesome into every aspect of your life. Our guiding principles reflect that. We listen first, because we're not here to preach - we're here to understand your unique needs and challenges. We’re here to guide and empower you, not tell you what to do. But what really sets us apart is our commitment to always bring the fun and playfulness. Above all, we strive to make wellness a balanced and enjoyable experience for all, as we believe the journey to Awesomeness is meant to be both rewarding and fulfilling.


In 2019, three ordinary individuals became a heroic trio with an unbreakable mission - to empower individuals to achieve optimal health and wellbeing, and to live life on their own terms as their most Awesome selves. We believe this is possible for everyone, regardless of how busy or challenging their lives may be. With a fierce passion for change, we are committed to creating a world where everyone can thrive and cultivate a sense of personal joy, purpose, and meaning.

Natalie Jane Jones

Owning Founder & Co-CEO

Lifestyle Coach & Consultant, Life Coach, Fitness Instructor, Yoga Teacher, Meditation Leader, Mentor, Blogger, Keynote Speaker

Wonder Nat's Story

This renaissance woman splits her time between the streets of Brooklyn and the woods of Vermont. Wonder Nat is a master at balancing her own business, her Airbnb, teaching & coaching, and spending time with family.

Awesome Facts:

  1. What is your secret to managing your busy lifestyle: Prioritizing sleep so I have energy and focus. This is a game changer!

  2. What motivates you: Providing for myself and my loved ones.

  3. What are you most passionate about: Besides my cat, I am passionate about helping others feel confident and empowered.

  4. I am happiest when… I am watching romcoms with my mom.

  5. My favorite part about my job as Wonder Nat is: Working with people I love, coaching inspiring clients, making playful IG reels & TikToks, and knowing I am creating something that is making a positive difference in the world.

  6. My Superpowers: Unapologetic self-expression, compassion, playfulness, making time my friend

  7. My Signature Fitness Move: Squat with a high kick and grunt, expelling any self-doubt or negativity

  8. My Secret Weapon: Red Lipstick and laughter

  9. My Biggest Kryptonite: Feeling like I have to yes to everything, being a people pleaser. Also, my autoimmune condition.

  10. My Heroes: Amy Poehler, Michelle Obama, Madonna, my grandfather, my mother.

  11. My Favorite quote: "There is a crack in everything. That is how the light gets in." — Leonard Cohen

  12. My go-to signature meal/s is / are: When I’m being naughty, definitely a cheeseburger. When I’m being nice, homemade lentil-mushroom-veggie balls with GF spaghetti and marinara.

  13. My Nerdy-Clark-Kent-self secretly loves: Kissing my cats furry butt, reading self-development books, and tweaking comfort food classics into healthy recipes.

Instagram: @thenatalizer

Claude Sharpe

President & Team Leader

Fitness Instructor, Yoga Teacher, Claudacious, Basketball Coach, Physical Educator

Claudeman's Story

This collegiate athlete turned basketball coach and public school teacher was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. He is the master at staying fit and active and saving lives while being able to seriously chill, all in a day’s work .

Awesome Facts:

  1. What is your secret to managing your busy lifestyle: Being consistent.

  2. What motivates you: My student’s/athlete’s accomplishments.

  3. What are you most passionate about: Coaching basketball and watching the growth of others.

  4. I am happiest when… I'm laughing.

  5. My favorite part about my job as Claudeman is: Seeing others achieve short and long term goals.

  6. My Superpowers: Strength and Humor

  7. My Signature Fitness Move: Spider-Man Torpedo Push-up

  8. My Secret Weapon: My 40 oz. water bottle, because staying hydrated keeps the body aware and alert.

  9. My Biggest Kryptonite: Taking on too many projects.

  10. My Heroes: My parents

  11. My Favorite quote: “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." — Nelson Mandela

  12. My go-to signature meal/s is / are: I love a great protein shake. Brussel sprouts, broccoli, and an occasional Worthy Burger in South Royalton, Vermont.

  13. My Nerdy-Clark-Kent-self secretly loves: watch re-runs of Sports Center on the weekends when I have down time.

Instagram: @50sharpe50

Siobhán Edwards

Owner & Co-CEO

Lifestyle Coach & Consultant, Fitness Instructor, Yoga Teacher, Mentor, Blogger, Mama of 5

Super Siobhán's Story

This energetic mom of FIVE kids is based in a quaint suburb just outside Chicago, IL. Super Siobhan is a wiz at juggling kids, work, and fun.

Awesome Facts:

  1. What is your secret to managing your busy lifestyle: Organization, prioritization, and the art of multi-tasking.

  2. What motivates you: Life - I absolutely love life and everyone and everything in it.

  3. What are you most passionate about: Besides my kids, sharing my passion for fitness and my love of food with others.

  4. I am happiest when… I am dancing to music.

  5. My favorite part about my job as Super Siobhán is: Working with my besties, creating hilarious IG reels, filming fitness videos, and teaching classes. 

  6. My Superpowers: I’m supportive, curious, courageous, passionate, energetic, committed to self & others

  7. My Signature Fitness Move: Super Booty Squat Side Kick - I mean who doesn’t love a good butt burner??

  8. My Secret Weapon: My humor, my positive energy, my grit.

  9. My Biggest Kryptonite: Not being able to say no to others. I’m the ultimate giver that just loves to give more and more and more.

  10. My Heroes: Coco Chanel, Alicia Keys, Brené Brown

  11. My Favorite quote: "There are only two days that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live." - Dalai Lama

  12. My go-to signature meals are: Ramen for those chilly winter nights and Vietnamese Bun for those endless summer days. I love oodles of noodles.

  13. My Nerdy-Clark-Kent-self secretly loves: Puzzles, reading, classical music, arts & crafts projects, DIY home projects, world travel, beach days with my kids, concerts and any live music, and binge-watching documentaries.

Instagram: @siobhanie05